Friday 14 June 2013

A little bit of background, and some nosing photos!

Ok, so to begin with I thought I'd post a couple of photos of the bedroom and sitting room as they're the rooms that we intend to personalise the most.


This first photo is taken of the bedroom from standing against the window. In our old (and much smaller) flat we had one teeny tiny bedroom which just about catered for a double bed and laundry basket and a separate dressing room. The dressing room may sound glamourous but it really wasn't, it was basically a box room with a clothes rail and you never really realise how much you'll miss a wardrobe until you no longer have one! The other striking difference between our two bedrooms is the lovely real wood flooring. The rest of the flat has a combination of laminate and lino but in the bedroom we are treated to something a little more luxurious! The built in 'wall window' helps to filter the light through to the sitting room.

 The second photo shows the bay window. When I lived in student housing I was ever envious of my best friend Sophie's bay window, it's something which is so intrinsically Portsmouth. If you have ever visited the area you'll know what I mean, there is row upon row of Victorian houses, often occupied by students or, like this one, converted into self contained flats. Natural light is something I really missed in our old flat which was incredibly dark. We are in an almost entirely residental area so it's less worrying living on the street front like this, also there's parking bays in the front yard so we are set back from the road a pleasing distance.

As I'm sure you can see the bedroom is a relatively blank canvas, the wall opposite the mirrors is a feature purply plum, which we have decided to keep.

Sitting room

This is the main room of the property. It's the sort of flat I dreamed (literally) of when we first started looking for somewhere to live in June 2012. I love the fact all the rooms come off of this main room, in an ideal world (where I am a millionaire) that room would be the kitchen. This picture is strange to look at already as the brown walls are no longer, but more of that later...

This was a few days after we had moved in, isn't it crazy how big rooms look when there's nothing in them! You can see the steps to the patio door and the garden in the background. The section to the right is where the shower room (left) and kitchen and utility room (right) is. I am in awe of the bathroom, it's so different and characterful. When we first saw the listing there was no photo of the bathroom, which set alarm bells ringing however we have gathered that was more to do with the elevation of the room and how difficult it is to get a flattering photo!

Stay tuned for decoration and furniture photos, I'm so behind!

- Hannah


  1. I love that I got a mention in this. I don't actually have the bay window in my bedroom though just downstairs. It is a nice feature.

  2. Yay, I love that you are writing a blog!! :) Your flat is so cool, Will and I were really jealous, can't wait to see how you make it your own space xx

    1. Thanks Becca! I'm following you now! xxx
